Monday, June 9, 2014

Natividad Multi Purpose Room

This is a picture from about 1979.  It was the groundbreaking for a new multipurpose room at Nativided School.  This was my first principal's job.  The man with the shovel was Bill Pollard, the Superintendent of the Salinas City Elementary School District.  The woman to the right was the PTA President.  I should be able to remember her name, but I can't for the moment.  Maybe Josh, Jodi or Jeanne can come up with it.  Her kids went to my school and I think Josh and Jodi knew them pretty well.  By the way, the "dude" on the left is me.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I don't remember the woman's name, but I remember that Cafeteria as if I'd gone in there to watch a movie dad showed every month for movie night. I also remember talent shows there, and my father playing the guitar and singing with all the kids, and all those wonderful awards assemblies dad put together, which made us all feel like we'd accomplished something, and that we could accomplish anything.