Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Western Stage 1988

This is a Souviner play book (Not sure what you call it.)  for the Western Stage 1988.  Jeanne, Jodi, Joshua and I are listed as actors although we didn't get our pictures in the book.  It says that Jeanne was in Carousel and Most Happy Fella.  (That is the play where Jeanne played a man and I fell in love with a man.)  It says I was in Carousel and Most Happy fella.  Something like Starmaker in Carousel and Priest in Most Happy Fella.  I think they are wrong.  I don't think I was in Fella at all.  Also, it lists Josh and Jodi as actors, but I can't fine anything they played that year.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I was. In "Most Happy Fella"as a woman and danced my butt off. I was so excited that someone believed that I could dance AND I was the oldest by far!!! Susan cable was the choreographer.