Monday, June 9, 2014

The Navy Man

A picture of my Dad in the Navy.  I have always admired my Dad for his courage regarding the armed services.  You see, he was a Mennonite and Mennonites are not supposed to kill or indulge in War.  This was a problem for my Dad since a more patriotic man you will never meet.  So, he worked out a deal.  He did everything to serve his country in the Navy, but carry a gun.  They gave him a desk job.  Actually, I think his job was to counsel men leaving the service as to options after discharge in the outside world.  Anyway, I think he sported quite a picture in his uniform.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Handsome devil. I tend to forget he was in the armed forces. He did a lot in his life, between making raisins, growing alfalfa, teaching college education courses, raising three boys and a girl, being a superintendent and teacher, and being the best grandpa in the world.