Monday, June 16, 2014

Jeanne With The Police

This item actually folds up like a brochure.  It was copyrighted in 1954.  It is a set of instructions sent from the Chief of Police in the Village of Terrace Park for children and parents about the safety of the children.   I wouldn't say for sure, but it actually looks like the Chief actually signed the brochure.  Oh, oh, I just noticed something.  In the middle picture on the page above, the middle girl in the front row is Jeanne.  Go Jeanne!


Jeanne said...

I was very proud of this brochure. They randomly picked students, one from each grade. I think I was in the third grade at Terrace Park School.

Jeanne said...

Later in my life, I think I was in high school; I was brought home by this same chief of police for breaking into our swim club pool. Most of my friends got away, but I couldn't get over the fence. They caught me red handed!!!