Thursday, June 12, 2014

All Saints Sunday School

On the back of this picture are the words "Sunday School - All Saints -- 1950"  I'm pretty sure it is Connie's writing.  This is the church the Badanes attended in Terrace Park as they were growing up.  The only thinng I know for sure is that Jeanne is in the front row in a dark coat and a purse flung over her shoulder. . . the tall one.  If there are more Badanes in this picture somebody else is going to have to point them out.  I don't think there are anymore.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

This was not the church in Terrace Park which was called St. Thomas. This was when we lived, we being myself and our mom and dad. I think Dukie was placed at this time with a private family who could give him more medical attention than my parents were able to give him; I think our mom was very involved with Harry and nancy as babies, 14 months a part. I loved Sunday School at this church. I was an angel in the Nativity Story. I was sort of hung up above the baby Jesus on a ladder and right before the curtain was raised, I had to go to the bathroom, really badly. My mom was nit happy with me because everyone had to wait and the pageant did not start on time. Now that I think about it, harry was a baby whose name was Bunny at the time because he was born on Easter and mom was pregnant with nancy. I remember that Bunny drove my parents crazy taking everything apart, especially lamps, which I guess had a lot of parts!!!