Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dad's Report Card

This is a report card for my Dad, Roland Dick.  It does not give the name of the school, but the date is 1929-1930 and is for his Freshman year in high school.  As you can see, his grades were not particularly noteworthy.  The backside of the card is just as precious to me as the front.  My Grandfather signed the card five times.  His name was John Barkman Dick.  When you heard people talk about him he was John B. Dick or JB Dick.  Mostly John B. Dick.  I think the teacher's name is J.H. Franzen a good Mennonite name.  I'm sure this school was in Hillsboro, Kansas.  Hillsboro was the mecca for this sect of Mennonites.  They were called Mennonite Brethren.  The other mecca was Reedley, California, where our family eventually landed.

1 comment:

Larry said...

I think that Dad always felt as though he was not smart enough for whatever job he had. I have never seen this report card before, and it helps me to understand Dad's (and mine) feeling of being less than.

At some time I was able to see his college transcripts. They showed almost straight A's. I was very impressed.

To further attest to his intelligence, I think, was the fact that when he quit as Madison's superintendent to obtain his Master's degree at Fresno State, Fresno State offered him a teaching position in its education department. He challenged most of his classes receiving A's and wrote his Master's thesis in two weeks, also receiving an A.