Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mother on the Piano

Larry, help me out here.  I really believe this was Mother after Dad was gone.  Maybe she was in the deep center of her illness?  The music is certainly still classical.  When you do this blog the way I am doing it, a little at a time, with gaps of time inbetween, sometimes you forget what you have said and what you haven't.  Here, I'll just say that Mother was one of the finest musiciona/pianists I have ever known.  Years and years she played in churches and other places.  When Dad left, she went to one of the Claremont Colleges to study piano and then really became a great pianist.  I can't tell you which ones, but whenever I hear some piece of classical music, I think of Mother because it was one of the ones she played often.  There is much more to her story, but will save it for later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This picture was taken at the Azusa house on Hillside Drive. I am guessing, but I think Mother was not in her illness yet. (Soon to come), and Dad was at his new job at UNLV and they had not officially broken up. This was a very very sad time for Mother. (Larry)