Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Rollie with Curls

One of my favorite pictures of me.  Notice the "do."  No doubt bell-bottoms for pants.  Look at the many different kinds of kids.  I loved it.  This was actually at Natividad School which along with Soberanes School in Salinas was my first Principal assignment.  I was there from 1979 to about 1985.  One of my best educational experiences.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I swear I've already commented on this. Rollie would sit in a mostly women's beauty shop with curlers in his hair to get this look. How vain can one be. While in Cincinnati on vacation, a woman at a fruit stand where we stopped, was absolutely, positively certain that Rollie was none other than Sony Bono. She almost peed her pants she was so excited. Unfortunately, she did not think I was Cher!!!