Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mother's Budget

This is an interesting little document.  On the right side Mother has listed all her expenses, I assume for the week.  They total to $348.00  On the left side is the money each of her student owes her for their lessons.  That totals to $68.00.  Doesn't quite cover it.  Until Dad left her, Mother and Dad both worked in schools.  They got along, not well, but got along.  After Dad left, Mother spent the rest of her life in abject poverty.  


Larry said...

When Mother was entered into the Alhambra Neuro-psychiatric Clinic (is that the correct name?) Rollie and I went to her apartment to gather her things and close it down.
When we first entered her apartment, we saw that she had stacked hundreds of newspapers in stacks 3-4 feet high, and we had to maneuver through the stacks.
However, to get to the point - sorry - I remember we found about $360.00 in uncashed checks made out to Mother from her piano students.

Larry said...

Why my name is listed in her budget notes, I have no idea. I do not remember her sending me $50, but, who knows?