Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Natividad Multipurpose Room

In 1979, I got a job in Salinas as an Elementary School Principal.  That first year I actually had two schools, Natividad and Soberanes Schools.  Natividad about 600 kids and Soberanes about 200.  I think it was a year after I got there, it may have been two, the decision was made to close Soberanes and bring all the kids to Natividad.  Natividad did not have a multipurpose room.  This is a picture of me on the left, my PTA president, a school board member and Bill Pollard the Superintendent.  This picture was taken at the groundbreaking ceremonies for the Multipurpose Room.  Maybe about 1980 or 1981.  I'll just leave it at that.  No, I won't.  A word about my Natividad experience . . . both Joshua and Jodi attended Natividad when I became principal.  I think I was there six years.  Those six years along with the last six years of my career at Monterey Park School, were the happiest of my administrative career.  About that time (maybe) the musical Camelot came on the scene.  Some of us at that school and me thought of this time as our Camelot.

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