Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hilltop Drive

These are three rather uninteresting items from about 1963.  Mom and Dad bought a home at the end of Azusa Blvd in Azusa, California.  The street was actually Hilltop Drive.  I assume that was about when Dad started teaching at Cal State and I know mother got a job teaching somewhere in an elementary school.  I think the house was brand new when they bought it.  It was really a nice house.  I think I stayed in this house the summer I took a class from my Dad.  This was also the house they were living in when Dad told Mother he was leaving her.  He had gotten a job at UNLV and was on his way.  Me, the good codependent that I was, or maybe I was just a nice guy trying to help, I'm not sure which, tried to intervene.  I said to Mother and Dad I would be willing to sort of act as moderator/councelor if they wanted to talk it over.  I think Mother said she would, but Dad was adamant.  It was all over as far as he was concerned and he went off to Nevada.

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